The TASAR project (Team of Advanced Search And Rescue Robots), proposes the use of terrestrial SAR robots (Search and Rescue)  in HA-DR missions (Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief) under the hypothesis that the effectiveness of SAR robots will increase when working cooperatively, as it does in human teams. . proposal aims at fostering the use of ground SAR Robots in HA-DR missions under the hypothesis that the efficacy of SAR robots will increase when working cooperatively, as it does in human teams.

The following challenges have been selected to be tackle in the project among the ones that could be faced up regarding Search and Reconnaissance missions:

  • Development of alternative methods of locomotion in rough terrain that combine the advantages of the existing solutions (wheels, crawlers, legs) according to the type of terrain.
  • Cooperative obstacle overcoming. This objective aims at allowing a simple robot to overcome an obstacle with the collaboration of other members of the fleet. Positive and negative obstacles will be taken into consideration.
  • Advanced commanding interface based on supervised control and virtual and augmented reality techniques, so as to allow the operators to manage the fleet, paying special attention to

The project is funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, within the framework of the Programas Estatales de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortaleci